Dear Family,
This is a baby bullfrog. And the pumpkin I carved of the Florida Fort Lauderdale Temple. And a tree that fell over in a ridiculous rainstorm last night. In the storm's defense though, the tree has little or no roots. I honestly did not believe that the sky could hold that much water and dump it all down at the same time. The entire parking lot was covered in 4 inches of water, which we parked in.
Lots of interesting things happened this week. As a missionary, it is instinctive to offer to help people in any way you can. Well, I never expected that I would get "can you break into my house? I'm locked out and if I could reach the balcony I could get in but I'm too short. The office won't give me the key because I'm only 12. I called my mom but she won't be home for another 2 hours and I've already been out here for 3." I looked at the balcony...yeah, I can get up there. And I did and then got out of there as soon as I could. Just felt kind of weird breaking into a house. We got a return appointment though. And we also got to visit her downstairs neighbors, who watched us break in from their window.
We also had the fall festival/trunk or treat which was really fun. We had several investigators and less active families show up. It was really fun because it was the Killian, Sunset, and Coral Reef Wards combined. So apart from the stake leadership, I think I knew more people there than anyone. I do feel bad for the institute class that was going on at the same time.
We destroyed some moldy cabinets and walls, put a giant tarp over an RV, threw away a lot of garbage, and were generally serviceful people. I also conducted a baptismal interview in arabic this week. I don't speak arabic, so we had to have the interview questions sent to the office from salt lake city and then scanned and sent to my lds email.
Also Elder Hatch found a cockroach in his suit pocket as he went to put it on. He screamed like a little girl.
I thought of a great halloween costume for next year when I can actually dress up. Yukon Cornelius! That's right, the prospector from Rudolf the Red-Nosed Reindeer.
I gave a talk in Sacrament Meeting this week. Yeah, that's the second one in the last 3 weeks. This one was great because I had a day's notice. Luckily, I've been on the spot for a long time now and it's hard to be put on the spot when that's your most comfortable position, so I think it went pretty well. It was on forgiveness.
Well, that's about it. Also the ward mission leader, Brother Plummer, is Jamaican. I just think that's cool. All my other mission leaders have been Mexican or in the case of Brother Flores, Ecuadorian.
Okay, have a great week,
Elder Fine