Sunday, April 8, 2012

Using Time Wisely

So, here's some is a big iguana, the other is me standing in the's very interesting because i'm in the middle of the city but there are certain plots of land that just haven't been touched, and unlike the empty land in Arizona, it is impossible to walk through unless you have a machete or maybe a bulldozer.  We found a little opening that had been cut in this jungle for about 4 feet so I stood in it.

Dear Everyone,

This week was good.  Friday we have a leadership training with Brother Watson.  He was the mission president in Mesa a few years ago and wrote a good portion of Preach My Gospel, especially Chapter 8 "use time wisely" which is one of my favorites, not because I'm any good at it, but because I recognize the importance of it and the weight it bears on every other aspect of basically anything.  That's awesome that Tate and Brooke will be serving missions at the same time.  If he just left and she's putting in her papers now, they should get home around the same time, which will be fun.  I don't have much else to talk about this week.  Have a great week!

Elder Fine

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